Broughton Good Neighbours is a group of local volunteers who offer assistance to anyone with a health or mobility problem living in the parishes of Broughton or Bossington.
Broughton Good Neighbours is a properly constituted organisation with elected trustees and audited accounts.
It is affiliated to, and supported by, the Good Neighbours Network charity.

Transport Assistance
We offer help with transport in the following circumstances:
To hospital, doctor, dentist, physiotherapy, bank, dentist, optician, chiropody and Citizen's Advice Bureau appointments.
To the church (Broughton and Stockbridge) or shop (Broughton only).
To veterinary appointments (with pets!).
For social or hospital visiting.
We rely on donations to cover drivers' expenses - guidance on suitable amounts for donation may be obtained from any of the coordinators.
Other Assistance
Collection of prescriptions or pensions (Broughton and Stockbridge only).
Shopping, dog walking and pet feeding.
Help before or after an operation, or during an illness, or in an emergency (meals, laundry etc.).
Social visiting at home.
Collection and return of library books at local libraries.
Please note that we do not offer personal or medical care.
We would like to remind you that we do not only provide transport for older members of our community, and if you, or any member of your family, need to travel to an appointment for health reasons, and cannot use public transport (or there is none available) we may be able to help you. Please ring us to discuss in complete confidentiality.
However, we do not just arrange transport. We have volunteers who can offer other assistance like dog-walking, shopping, companionship, respite, reading or help before or after an operation, illness or other emergency (but not personal care). Again, do ask us, and we will always try to help if we can.
Other Useful Information
Currently, if a client has an HCC concessionary travel bus-pass, BGN is able to claim the mileage costs of a client's journey from the TVBC subject to an annual grant limit. However, a large number of our driving expences still have to be covered by voluntary donations.
Please contact us if you need to know more about the HCC concessionary travel scheme.
Any other expences, e.g. parking fees, are often paid by the client.
All vounteers are insured, trained and have undergone Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks.
All assistance is subject to a suitable volunteer being available.
How to get Help
To request assistance please ring:
0845 643 2919
between 10am and 4pm Monday to Friday
(excluding Christmas, New Year, and other Bank Holidays)
Your call will be answered by one of our local co-ordinators or you may leave a message and the co-ordinator on duty will ring you back.
Please DO NOT ring co-ordinators on their private telephone numbers, as messages may not be picked up.
All calls are charged at local rate.
Please give as much notice as possible.
It is not possible to list all the help we can offer. If you have a problem ring us and we will help if we are able.
How to Help Us
Broughton Good Neighbours always welcomes new volunteers. Please contact us on 0845 643 2919 during weekdays 10 am - 4 pm