Broughton is very well connected! If you want to stay in touch with all things Broughton, here is a helpful guide to all the options:

Broughton Village Email Group
With over 500 residents subscribed, this active email group is available for all to ask for help/advice, recycle unwanted household items and advertise village events.
It is not for social comment, rants, pressure or political purposes. Other social media groups cater for this.

Broughton News
Broughton's perennial monthly publication carrying all village news and local business and trades information.
Available through this website: click here
Janet Wallace
01794 301254

Broughton Facebook Group
This is your classic Facebook group for social media interaction and comment.
Facebook membership required. See it here.
Broughton Memories Facebook
For anyone interested in Broughton and its history. Contribute photos or just explore others' postings. Spot your friends and changes in the village from bygone years. Facebook membership required. See it here.

Broughton Community Archive
Another opportunity to journey into Broughton's past. This website guides you through the very many facets of Broughton life over the years. See it here.

Community Shop and PO Emails
For emails with updates about opening times, new products and special offers.

Broughton Parish Council
The first tier of local government and your first port of call when you have any concerns over matters affecting life in Broughton.